This is a great question for those really interested in the development of kids. Well at least in regards to martial arts. You see, often times people believe at Westside MMA our number one concern is developing fighters. It’s an easy assumption to make after seeing our competitors dominate on the local scene and fight on television. However, we are also committed to our soon to be famous kids program.
We have set up an amazing structure for our children. Not only so that they can win many medals but also so they can become good responsible and successful young adults. We are instilling some core values through our training that will accomplish this goal. How are we doing this you might ask?
The answer is through teaching respect (simple yes and no sirs, eye contact and turn taking), humility, fighting/martial arts are both famous for teaching humility and a good work ethic. This work ethic is huge, kids need to learn what they are capable of when they apply themselves. We work our kids out hard here at Westside. Not just to be winners on the mat but because in life there is no substitute for hard work. This brings me back to our title. Judo or BJJ, which comes first? For us, with the help of some great Judo coaches (see and BJJ coaches ( we chose Judo. Judo requires you to start fighting from the grips to the take down. There are no easy ways to do this. We believe the Wrestling and Judo base is the strongest foundation for children to learn mental toughness. Once we establish a good work ethic for the take down we introduce our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu techniques.
After that, the program is really about the meshing of the two great arts. We offer kickboxing classes after the kids have EARNED their first 2 stripes and thus helps us create hard working, goal oriented and respectful leaders. Taekwondo no longer has the monopoly on Discipline, Respect and Confidence.
Stay tuned for more great news about our amazing Spider Monkey program.
Tags: bjj, jiujitsu, judo, kickboxing, kids bjj, kids jiu jitsu, kids martial arts, little rock judo, little rock martial arts, martial arts
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